Slumber at Sunrise

Slumber at Sunrise (2024)

Annie Henry and Sarah Macdonald

A vertical slab sculpture with a silhouetted figure reclined in the foreground. The figure is glazed coppery / bronzy brown and the slab background is light blue, then a lavender to a warm red / orange at the top. Brush marks are shown in these colours.

This sculpture, one of a trio collaboratively crafted by Annie and Sarah. Sculpted by Annie and glazed by Sarah. Visible brushstrokes add energy and texture to the slabs, complementing the serene yet powerful form of the figure. This piece stands as a harmonious interplay of sculpture and glaze, embodying both individual artistry and collaborative vision.


W: 31cm x H: 19cm

£ 90.00

Email Sarah here if you are interested in purchasing this piece.

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