Tribute to Pussy Riot

Tribute to Pussy Riot (Welcome to the Church of Riot) 2012

Sarah Macdonald

Four members of the punk band Pussy Riot wearing their balaclavas are painted energetically with bright colours using fingers. The colourful women are dancing on a white canvas.

This energetic painting was painted in support and to celebration the five who staged their performance “A Punk Prayer” at Moscows Cathedral of Christ the Saviour. It was a direct protest of Russia’s Religious intolerance and President Putin’s close ties with the Orthodox Church.

They were sentenced to 2 years in prison.

In the face of adversity, Pussy Riot's bold performance catapulted Russia's human rights concerns onto the global stage. This painting serves as a testament to the power of art as a catalyst for change, commemorating the bravery of those who defy oppression to shine a light on injustice.

Acrylic on linen

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